A Tale of Two Sisters

Random thoughts regarding religion, politics, pop culture, and anything else that stikes my fancy. Everyone says I'm funny (looking)...

Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Big Seester of The Clam Rampant. Friend of The Canuck (Baldguy). Newbie blogger. Veteran lurker. What about me? I dunno... Sex: Girl Race: Whitey Ethnicity: Solidly Mitteleuropa, with a smidge of Brittania for good measure Religion: Roman Catholic Fave Hockey Team: Red Wings Fave Baseball Team: Tigers Fave Basketball Team: Don't like basketball, but Pistons Fave Football Team: Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and the Michigan Wolverines (the Lions? Don't make me cry!)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

So Just Another Random Post... NOT!!!!!!

So anyway... on Friday I closed on my very first ever house! (Well, condo.) Nothing to see here. Move along. JUST KIDDING!!! READ EVERY WORD!!! SAVOR MY JOY!!!!

Needless to say, I have been slightly busy these last few days, what with packing and running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and making sure everything is done at work so I can take some vacation time to deal with the move. (I have the time; I just don't have the time, if you know what I mean!) The next 3-4 weeks promise to be just as crazy as the past couple have, but that's OK. (However, please note that posting will be catch as catch can.)

Let's start this thrilling commentary with last Wednesday night, when I spent the entire night having what I loosely define as a panic attack. What I mean is that I lay there (laid there?) all night, wide awake, doing the math over and over in my head, never totalling "enough" and convinced that I had made the biggest mistake of my life and I would end up in debtor's prison, beaking rocks next to Tiny Tim (not the ukelele player, the Dickens character).

Of course, by the clear light of day, the math does add up, and although I won't be taking all my loyal readers to dinner at 21 anytime soon, I should be able to subsist on human food, as opposed to dog food.

The actual closing went very smoothly, no thanks to the seller's agent, who looked very much as I expected him to. (Yes, I am a lookist.) The seller was delightful, and I complimented her on her taste. And I mean that. The colors she used were, without exception, not colors I would have chosen in a million years. However, with one exception, they are absolutely beautiful, and I am keeping them. AND, magically, they seem to work with my furniture and my bedding. Pretty eerie, considering that I didn't select my couch or my bedding either. The couch was an "estate" piece from my 97 year old German Tante, and it was perfect for her - lots of blue and rose colored flowers threw up all over the couch. You know, so sweet it would give Shirley Temple diabetes. Very Tante. Not me at all. But it's a perfectly good and comfortable couch, and I will use it for a while yet. (Not buying a new couch until after I replace the furnace and AC unit. How grown up is THAT?) The bedding was an item from the Boutique de Step-mere. Again, plus des fleurs. But I actually mostly like the bedding. Mostly. (They mostly come out at night. Mostly. -Eric Cartman)

Anyway, like I said, it's fairly cosmic that furniture I didn't select would go with paint I didn't pick, and come together to create a home I truly love! Because the living room walls are a beautiful light wheaty-gold which completely downplays the ultra-sweetness of the couch and makes it pretty. And the bedroom is pale mauve: lovely, calming and serene. The bathroom and the kitchen she painted in a green. And, as greens go, it's not bad. Greens are very tricky. It is quite difficult to pick a green that looks the way you think it will look on the walls. They tend to go minty or limey, or be darker than you intended. This is actually a pretty nice green. Not too dark, and no mint to it at all. Not as grey as sage, either. However, and I can absolutely say this since I spent 3 hours in the kitchen yesterday while my carpet was being installed - (I used my time wisely - lined all my cupboards!) it is a fairly depressing color to actually spend any time in. But it's not terrible, and it will keep until I get my skilled, unpaid seasonal day laborers back from south of the border. (That would be Dad and Stepmom, snowbirding it in Florida!)

According to The Clam and to The Mater, I am well ahead of the game. I do have a lot of packing done. (I actually had so much packing done I had to stop because I was running out of places to stack boxes. But now that I have taken a couple of loads over, I can pack some more. Yippee!!) I'm doing alright, but every time I look around, I just see everything else that needs to be done. I also have the uncanny ability to channel my grandmother. I can seriously hear her voice in my head - goading - er, I mean, prodding me to do "just one more thing, because it's one less thing I will have to do later."

And of course Grandma's right. Because a week from tonight, I will be officially living there. (I still have till the end of the month to get all my stuff out, which is a whole nother post.) But I will be where my bed is, and my bed will be at the new place a week from today. So I know the crunch ain't over!

But I am just sooo excited about this whole process that I cannot contain myself, and even though I am exhausted and should be working through my lunch instead of posting, I had to do it!

So I am officially a grownup, albeit a grownup who still remembers most of the verses to the diarrhea song (All together now: When you're sliding into first, and you're feeling something burst...)


Blogger Kasia said...

Seriously the wheaty-gold color sounds "meh" but is actually GORGEOUS. And I can vouch for the couch being (a) totally not TBS, and (b) nauseatingly precious.

Her place is beautiful. And it's only a 2-minute walk from mine. So the next time I lock myself and the Canuck out of the house without the car keys, we'll only have to wait two minutes for the cavalry to arrive! ;-)

March 6, 2007 at 2:34:00 PM EST  
Blogger The Big Seester said...

No, the next time you lock yourself and the Canuck out of the house, you can walk over and get the keys.

But I'm sure there won't BE a next time...will there?


March 6, 2007 at 2:39:00 PM EST  

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