Cafe au lait update
So yesterday I had about 4 oz worth of milk left in my little container. Since I don't go straight home from work on Tuesdays, I left it in the fridge. However, knowing that 1 cup of cafe au lait was not going to cut it, I brought in a second little container of milk today.
Would you believe that one of the crows from the last time questioned why I brought in a second milk container, since I already had one in the fridge?!?!?!
I'm sorry - WTF?!?!?
Since I got no feedback on this last time, I must BEG somebody to explain what this is about. Because I am seriously mystified here.
Would you believe that one of the crows from the last time questioned why I brought in a second milk container, since I already had one in the fridge?!?!?!
I'm sorry - WTF?!?!?
Since I got no feedback on this last time, I must BEG somebody to explain what this is about. Because I am seriously mystified here.
I don't know whether my lack of response last time was due to technical issues, time issues, or charity issues. Since you press for a comment...
The only thing I can figure is that this individual is one of those people who are really nosy and have to be all in everyone else's business. Every office has one. At the bank, it was the woman who informed me that "just because it's Healthy Choice doesn't mean you can eat the whole pint" about the ice cream I bought during our power outage (because it was darned HOT in that no-openable-windows building) without realizing that - duh - with the power off, I couldn't freeze the leftovers.
Some people are just nosy. Some people don't realize they're being rude. Some don't care.
If it were me, I'd just smile sweetly and say "Thanks for your concern, but I've got it covered." But then, I'd also probably not have a problem saying "Why exactly do you care?" (provided it wasn't anyone with supervisory authority over me), so...
Yes. I have also gotten comments about the amount of lunch I eat.
I really don't understand. If you are going to be nosy, at least be nosy about something that's worthwhile!!!
I've been thinking about this. I think the issue stems from a false sense of intimacy that we get from being around people for 8 hours a day 5 days a week.
Even though I really like most of my co-workers, I don't think we know each other well enough to be discussing things like diet, marriage/children plans, alcoholic family members, etc.
DJ's admin probably chides him out of genuine concern. It doesn't make her less of a butt-in-ski, but she probably likes him, thinks he's a good guy, and wants him to be healthy. His East Asian co-worker probably thinks Mrs. DJ doesn't feed him enough. ;-) I dunno about TBS' co-workers...
Kasia said: I think the issue stems from a false sense of intimacy that we get from being around people for 8 hours a day 5 days a week.
You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. I'm eating baby carrots for lunch today (at my desk as I type) and I just had someone scold me because that's all I'm eating. It's not like I'm going to keel over and die from protein deficiency from 1 unbalanced meal. She's a nice enough woman, and I know she means well, but it still rubbed me the wrong way.
A false sense of intimacy makes a lot of sense in that context.
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