A Tale of Two Sisters

Random thoughts regarding religion, politics, pop culture, and anything else that stikes my fancy. Everyone says I'm funny (looking)...

Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Big Seester of The Clam Rampant. Friend of The Canuck (Baldguy). Newbie blogger. Veteran lurker. What about me? I dunno... Sex: Girl Race: Whitey Ethnicity: Solidly Mitteleuropa, with a smidge of Brittania for good measure Religion: Roman Catholic Fave Hockey Team: Red Wings Fave Baseball Team: Tigers Fave Basketball Team: Don't like basketball, but Pistons Fave Football Team: Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and the Michigan Wolverines (the Lions? Don't make me cry!)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Eat Like an Edwardian

A fascinating article on the London Times website. I know that people used to eat like this, but it doesn't want to sink in...


"There can have been no better time for a chap like me to be alive. So what an enormous stroke of luck that the BBC were looking for someone to send back to that very era — to live, dress, exercise, eat and drink like an Edwardian man of means — to find out what it did to his girth, his arteries, his inner organs, his digestion, his mood, his very soul. Some guinea pigs might have been daunted by the prospect of four whopping meals a day, rivers of grog and hardly any fruit, vegetables or water for an entire week. But not I.

"I just couldn’t wait for them to Edwardian Supersize Me..."

But afterwords he says:

"As for Dr Petty, he was not amused. He found that although I had put on only a pound in weight, my body fat had increased by an extraordinary 10 per cent over the week, with corresponding declines in muscle mass and water content."

Can you believe that? In one week! ICK!

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