A Tale of Two Sisters

Random thoughts regarding religion, politics, pop culture, and anything else that stikes my fancy. Everyone says I'm funny (looking)...

Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Big Seester of The Clam Rampant. Friend of The Canuck (Baldguy). Newbie blogger. Veteran lurker. What about me? I dunno... Sex: Girl Race: Whitey Ethnicity: Solidly Mitteleuropa, with a smidge of Brittania for good measure Religion: Roman Catholic Fave Hockey Team: Red Wings Fave Baseball Team: Tigers Fave Basketball Team: Don't like basketball, but Pistons Fave Football Team: Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and the Michigan Wolverines (the Lions? Don't make me cry!)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Musings on "24"

OK. When 24 first premiered a few years ago, I watched the first few episodes. Then I missed a few episodes, and when I tried to re-enter the high-intensity world of counter-terrorism, I was lost. So I stopped watching. I have meant to put the past couple of seasons on my Netflix Queue, but I have over 300 things on there now, so...

Anyway, I made a point of watching the (4 hour!!!) season premier Sunday and Monday nights. Overall, I enjoyed it, except...

1. Keifer Sutherland's ears are really distracting. (On the other hand, there's no way Donald could deny paternity).
2. I could swear that the guy who played Ahmed is the dude who starred in Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. I haven't actually seen the movie, just the previews, but he really looks like the same guy. I plan to check out Harold and Kumar the next time I get stoned, so... hm. Let me check my calendar... Oh yeah. That's right. I guess I won't be watching Harold and Kumar. Except now I may have to just to see if it's the same guy. Even though it looks like one of those only funny if you have been smoking the wacky tobacky movies. He's also like an Indo-Pak version of the guy from Scrubs. Weird. Can your doppelganger be from another race? I did have someone tell me once that I look just like Marilyn McCoo. Of course, he was kind of...stoned at the time. Wow - how cosmic was THIS?
3. I had a really hard time watching Shaun Majumder. For those of you ignorant of popular culture, the CBC has a show called This Hour Has 22 Minutes, which is kind of a fake news show but which also has skits. Shaun is a regular on there, and one of his repeat characters is a sports reporter named Raj Binder, who's a little... weird and sweaty and slimy (in a lounge lizard kind of way). Shaun is very funny. So I'm watching him play a terrorist who escaped from terrorist camp (do they have to sing stupid campfire songs?) and is putting together a nuclear device. And (because it's a NUCLEAR DEVICE), he's sweating. And I'm trying not to giggle. Because it's a Very Serious Scene. But all I can think about is Raj Binder drinking out of an athletic supporter, because it's a "cup."
4. The chick that plays the president's sister is seriously annoying. He's trying to prevent a nuclear attack on American soil, and she's whining and carrying on, and getting arrested (for deleting documents that the FBI had a warrant for!). I hate her. She's the boil on the butt of the show, and I hope they lance her.
5. I can't believe cross-eyed chick has two co-workers fighting over her, completely unable to separate their alpha-male tendencies from the fact that they are trying to prevent a nuclear attack. Totally unrealistic for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is (so far, anyway) she's neither attractive nor interesting.

Other than that, it was pretty gripping. I may even try to watch it regularly this season. But I'm not sure. I stopped watching ER (about 10 years ago) because the whole adrenaline rush 12 times an hour thing got a little old. I watch TV to relax, not stress out. We'll see. (Yes, Matlock IS more my speed. Thanks for noticing.)


Blogger The Big Seester said...

Did you see it? How did you handle Shaun Majumder?

January 16, 2007 at 2:48:00 PM EST  
Blogger Kasia said...

Um, honestly DJ? I only watched the first season of 24, and I thought it was told from a pretty conservative viewpoint. But we can talk about that in person if you want; it would be a very long comment if I started going into it here and now. :-)

And Hugh Laurie should DEFINITELY win every award for which he's eligible for House. He should also win an award for "Most Convincing Accent," because if I didn't KNOW he was British I would never guess it watching the show.

And all of that is my firmly held opinion on his talents and performance, completely apart from the fact that he's an utter dreamboat. :-)

January 17, 2007 at 9:46:00 AM EST  

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