A Tale of Two Sisters

Random thoughts regarding religion, politics, pop culture, and anything else that stikes my fancy. Everyone says I'm funny (looking)...

Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Big Seester of The Clam Rampant. Friend of The Canuck (Baldguy). Newbie blogger. Veteran lurker. What about me? I dunno... Sex: Girl Race: Whitey Ethnicity: Solidly Mitteleuropa, with a smidge of Brittania for good measure Religion: Roman Catholic Fave Hockey Team: Red Wings Fave Baseball Team: Tigers Fave Basketball Team: Don't like basketball, but Pistons Fave Football Team: Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and the Michigan Wolverines (the Lions? Don't make me cry!)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Are You a Genius?

So one of the blogs I lurk on (and occasionally post on) is Captain Capitalism, who appears to be an economist from the great state of Minnehaha. Uh, I mean Minnesota. (Part of the reason why I don't list the "cool blogs you should check out" is because mine make me appear to be very Sybill-like. There's the Cap'n, a couple of blogs for fans of Coronation Street, various Catholic blogs, Mike Straka's Grrr! column, blogs o' me mates, and many others. I'm just crazy like that! The other reason is because I don't know how.)

Anyway, today's entry was quite amusing, and I found it to be an excellent quiz, so I'm borrowing it. (I hope he doesn't mind too much!) Here's the link:


His basic premise is that we tend to pay attention to the wrong things in this country, and he uses the Grammies as an example of that. Now, I have 'fessed up to watching the first 5 minutes (see previous post about Sting's dreaminess). However, I don't watch the Grammies, Emmies, Oscars, or any of the others.

But he has composed a "negative knowledge" IQ test - in other words, you are smart based on the stuff you DON'T know, as much as the stuff you DO know. (DJ, you are SOOOOO going to ace this test!)

So, without further ado, here's the quiz, with my answers. But do check his original post out, because (1) it's funny, (2) he seems to not suffer fools gladly either, and (3) it's just polite, since the quiz is his baby, and not mine!

Questionnaire 1 -

1. What are the Grammys for?
Philosophically speaking, they are yet another chance for celebrities to pat themselves on the back and gush over how much better they are than the schlumphs who buy their records/go to their movies/watch their TV shows.

2. Name one person on the current episode of Lost.
Never saw it.

3. Where is the welfare office in your county?
They're separated by county? Good to know. I'm going to make an edjumacated guess and say "in Detroit" in Wayne County. And probably "in Pontiac" in Oakland County.

4. T/F Dawsons Creek was about a guy named Dawson and the creek he owned.
Never saw it.

5. Name one contestant on Teen Idol.
There's a show called Teen Idol?

6. Sing the lyrics to a modern day song played on the teeny bopper girly station.
I'm guessing the words "Oooh Baby" are in there somewhere.

7. If you wanted to get meth, where would you go to get it?
From a meth dealer, of course! Once again, the correct answer appears to be "in Detroit".

8. Name any member of any present day boy band.

9. What is the rough price of a shirt at the GAP and/or Ambercrombie and Fitch?
No clue.

10. If you went to college, where was the sociology department headquartered?
Next to the women's studies building?

Questionnaire 2 -

1. What war was Pearl Harbor in?
Well, actually, Pearl Harbor wasn't IN the war - Japan attacked the United States, causing the US to ENTER WW2. But since we weren't at war at the time, I don't think you can actually ask the question that way. Of course, we were at war within a day or two.

Bonus point: my great uncle was there.

2. Name a president from the 80's.
Ronald Reagan/George HW Bush.

Bonus point: the PM of GB was Margaret Thatcher.

3. Point north.
I will have you know that I DO know direction. My dad insisted, and I couldn't get a license until I could give him directions without saying "Left" or "Right".

Let me just tell you guys that, when I meet a man who can't figure out direction, it really lowers him in my estimation.

Take the quiz and enjoy! Post the results in the comments section, and feel free to post on the Cap'n's blog to let him know you enjoyed the quiz!


Blogger The Big Seester said...

Excellent, DJ - I knew you wouldn't get much of it!


February 14, 2007 at 2:49:00 PM EST  
Blogger Kasia said...

OK, my turn.

The only difference in my answers from TBS' are as follows:

Quiz #1:
3. I have no idea, but I like DJ's reasoning.

10. Faculty/Administration building. I think it's on the second floor, near what used to be the Liberal Arts Dean's Office and is now the Humanities Center. However, the main reason I know that is that I was a student assistant and did a lot of deliveries around campus.

Quiz #2:
1. I beg to differ; Pearl Harbor *was* during World War II. WW II started on September 1, 1939. Just because we weren't in it yet, doesn't mean there wasn't a war going on!

2. I'll add that (if memory serves) Helmut Kohl was chancellor of West Germany!

February 14, 2007 at 2:58:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Somebody else (on the Captain's blog) said the same thing about WW2. I disagree. I mean, yes, the war was already going on (9/1/39) but we weren't involved - it was a deliberate act of aggression on a non-involved nation which caused our entry into the war. But if you think about it, if we hadn't responded by getting into the war, it would have been a random strike against a peaceful nation.

I guess it's a matter of perspective.

Otherwise great answers.


February 14, 2007 at 3:45:00 PM EST  

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