A Tale of Two Sisters

Random thoughts regarding religion, politics, pop culture, and anything else that stikes my fancy. Everyone says I'm funny (looking)...

Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Big Seester of The Clam Rampant. Friend of The Canuck (Baldguy). Newbie blogger. Veteran lurker. What about me? I dunno... Sex: Girl Race: Whitey Ethnicity: Solidly Mitteleuropa, with a smidge of Brittania for good measure Religion: Roman Catholic Fave Hockey Team: Red Wings Fave Baseball Team: Tigers Fave Basketball Team: Don't like basketball, but Pistons Fave Football Team: Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and the Michigan Wolverines (the Lions? Don't make me cry!)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Home Buying Update

Ok, so, not to tempt Fate or anything, but I am scheduled to close on my new place this Friday. (Gasp!)

The next 3 weeks are soooo busy that I had to write up a calendar to keep everything straight.

I have plenty of vacation time, personal time etc., but the problem is, we are really busy at work right now (Lent is a busy season for Church work) so even though I have the time, I really shouldn't take it, if you know what I mean.

Plus there's all the details of stuff that must be done - locks changed, cupboards washed out etc. Plus moving everything I own (and getting rid of a lot of stuff).

Plus Mom's relocating the to southwest, and there's a family gathering later in March, including out of town family.

The next few weeks promise to be a little ... strained as I desperately try to get everything done. However, it's also very exciting.

If you think of it, a prayer or two would certainly be appreciated.


And I was there - I witnessed it!

This Saturday at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, my baby seester, The Clam Rampant, solemnly declared her intent to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church this Easter! I am only slightly chuffed about this - I have been holding my breath for months!

She has even bought cards to send invitations to family members to attend the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday and watch her get initiated. (A big step for her, since "The Clam" is a nickname I came up with based on how secretive she is.) They probably won't come, since it's a really long service, and they are not down with the Holy Father at all, but at least the info will be out there and I won't feel like Agent 99 anymore. (If you don't know who Agent 99 is, you need to check out Get Smart!)

I was thinking I should take a picture and post it, but then I realized that I would have to edit her out of the picture, so there wouldn't be much point...

Well, I blew it...once

So far the giving up sarcasm for Lent thing is going pretty well. I have only had 1 major gaffe. Of course, part of the problem is I'm not entirely sure I can differentiate between "sarcasm" and "making a joke." I have a great vocabulary, but I cannot for the life of me define a word. (Does that make sense?)

However, The Clam and I were riding in my automobile to dinner after the Rite of Election at the Cathedral and she mentioned wanting to attend the Chrism Mass this year (Heathen alert: the Chrism Mass takes place on Holy Thursday (the day before Good Friday, just before Easter) and this is the Mass where the oil gets blessed (oil which gets used for Baptisms and Last Rites) for the next year.) So The Clam says she wants to go because (1) she's never been to one before (which I don't think is that uncommon - lots of Catholics have never been to a Chrism Mass, which isn't to say they shouldn't go) and (2) they are, after all, going to anoint her with it during the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday. To which I reply (without even thinking about it) "So you want to be sure they don't spit in it?"

See? This is the kind of thing I am talking about. It just shot out there. No forethought. On the one hand, it's nice to have a quick wit. On the other hand, it can occasionally be...inappropriate (dontcha think?!) I need to get a curb on this now, before I get older and suffer a stroke and really can't control what I say.

OTOH, the compromise I worked out with my canon lawyer friend to not deprive my mother of my wit during her last few weeks in town seems to be working well.

How's your Lent going?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In the Name of the...

One more hahaha post before Lent. Just one!

The Anglicans have been meeting, and bickering over various minor doctrinal issues, like whether or not they are Christians. (Yeah, I know. Pray for them, and I'm not kidding.)

I have always loved a particular Simpsons episode (you're shocked, aren't you?) where Marge tells 3 history stories: Henry VIII, Lewis & Clark, and Mozart.

Excerpts from the Henry VIII story:

Ned Flanders/Sir Thomas More: (to Homer/Henry VIII) Divorce! Well, there's no such thing in the Cath-diddly-atholic Church! But it's the only church we got, so what are you gonna do?

Homer/Henry VIII: I'll start my own church!

Which leads to this (as Henry marries Ann Boleyn):

Bishop Lovejoy: And by the power vested in me, (points to Homer/Henry) by you just now, I now pronounce you King and Trophy Queen. In the name of the Henry, the Hank, and the Holy Harry, amen...Henry.


Big Blog Day

I guess I'm trying to get all jokes out of me before tomorrow, so be sure to scroll down...

A Britney Spears Related Post

Now, you know how I feel about celebrities. You know how much I despise the deification of ethical morons, so I hope you are looking at this post and saying, "Hmm. What is TBS going to bring to this whole 3-ring circus that is positive?"


LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Craig Ferguson decided not to poke fun at Britney Spears for at least one night.

The host of CBS' "The Late Late Show" told viewers Monday that after seeing photos of the 25-year-old pop star's shaved head, he reconsidered making jokes at the expense of the "vulnerable."


"For me, comedy should have a certain amount of joy in it," Ferguson said. "It should be about attacking the powerful -- the politicians, the Trumps, the blowhards -- going after them. We shouldn't be attacking the vulnerable."

A rare glimpse of polite behavior in an increasingly impolite society.


As a few of the readers of this blog know, while The Big Seester (that's me!) has been a Catholic for four score and seven years, The Baby Seester (The Clam) is currently swimming the Tiber, and unless something radical happens, will become an official Catholic this Easter! (hurray!)

Quick aside: St. Monica and I have been palling it up for many years over this little heathen. I have attended the Saturday afternoon St. Monica Sodality Mass at my parish for a looong time. If you don't know who St. Monica is, here's a wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Monica. (Note: if wikipedia says that St. Monica was on the grassy knoll, ignore it. Wiki gets funny like that sometimes.)

So, imagine my surprise when I read this comment from The Clam on a blog I check regularly:

Incidentally, it was women priests that broke me out of my last delusions of Episcopalianism as well. I hadn't been inside an Episcopal church in years, but having been christened and confirmed Episcopal, when The Canuck and I were trying to compromise on churches, I figured that (or maybe Lutheranism) would work.

Then he and I visited St. Paul's (Anglican) Cathedral in London (Ontario), and I was ok until the female priest started consecrating the Eucharist. Despite never having had a particular opinion about female priests, I had this visceral "no, there is something NOT RIGHT about this!" reaction, and I walked us out of the church. We tried to be discreet, but unfortunately that meant going up a side aisle while people were going up for Communion, and we had to walk right past the woman in question, who (for some reason that's beyond me) was helping with the ushers' job of releasing rows of pews. She didn't look too chuffed at our walking AWAY from the altar rather than towards it, and we had to practically force our way past her, but we did it.

The funniest part was, when we got out of the building and were walking towards the car, the first words out of my mouth were "Don't tell my sister - she'll never let me live it down!" (She's been telling me for years that I'm a closet conservative.)

But that did it - I realized that since the Anglican and Episcopal churches permit women's ordination, they were not the right churches for me. The Episcopal parish I belonged to for several years had only a male priest, and was very traditional (we kneeled at the rail to receive Communion, etc.), and I could have sought out a parish like that now. But like you, I said "Even if my parish and I are a good fit, how can I be part of that larger body that I think is wrong?" Which is what amazes me about the Call To Action type of response: rather than saying "I don't fit into this larger body; I should go somewhere where I do fit" they seem to be saying "This larger body does not fit me, but I should not have to change; the larger body should change to fit me." I don't get it.

Now, when The Clam casually mentioned that she was doing some Catholic reading, I said, very casually, "Oh. That's nice."

When she said that she was attending Catechism classes, but that didn't mean she HAD to enter the Church at Easter, I said, "Of course it doesn't. You're just getting educated."

When she posted that she had finally "gotten" Mary, I commented that I was really glad that she understood that we don't worship Mary.

When she invited me to attend the Rite of Election and watch her sign her name into the Book of Life, I said, "Sure I'll come."

If she actually enters the Church at the Easter Vigil, I will be there to offer warm congratulations and a thoughtful gift.

But I will interiorly be saying I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!

Incidentally, if you are interested, the blog I mentioned is The Kraalspace, by a hilarious woman named Dr. Mabuse. Here's the link: http://kraalspace.blogspot.com/

I Almost Forgot! Happy Paczki Day!

So today is Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday (which, in French, is "Mardi Gras"). Traditionally it is the day when everyone used up their eggs and lard and stuff before Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent. This has created many traditions around Christendom, depending on where you are.

Here in Detroit, we have a Polish tradition: Paczki (pronounced POONCH-key). They are jelly donuts on steroids. I cannot remember the calorie and fat breakdown. It is impressive. Like when they were trying to kill Homer The Food Critic, and the French Chef made that monster eclair...good times.

Here's an article from The Detroit News about Paczki: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070220/METRO/702200345

Plus, check it out - there's a wiki! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paczki

Of course, we in the western Church (i.e. The Roman Catholic Church) don't really do the serious fasting that they still mostly do in the eastern Churches. I'm not sure why. My instinct is to blame the 60s. And Jane Fonda.

Anyway, if you are anywhere near a Polish bakery, have a paczek today. The calories don't count today. And, like we are all Irish on March 17th, we are all Polish on Fat Tuesday.

Unless we're French. Then we get drunk and flash strangers while wearing brightly colored beads.

I prefer being Polish, myself.

File Under "D" for "DUH"!


Report: Sexual Images Psychologically Damaging Young Girls
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sexualized images in the media are psychologically damaging young girls and corrupting childhood, according to a group of psychologists.

The report says that virtually all media forms are promoting inappropriate images of products such as toys and clothing that are harmful to girls’ self image and healthy development.

It specifically criticizes Bratz dolls, which come dressed in miniskirts and fishnet stockings and outsell Barbie dolls in Britain by two to one.

Asda (a British megastore) has been condemned for marketing black lacy underwear to nine-year-olds.

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) report says that marketing companies take advantage of youngsters’ desire for affection and the need to conform, leading to eating disorders, low self-esteem and depression.

Academics believe that the influence and attitudes of parents, siblings, and friends can also add to the pressures of sexualization.

Eileen Zurbriggen, the APA’s chairman, said: “The consequences of the sexualization of girls in media are likely to be a negative influence on girls’ healthy development. We have ample evidence to conclude that sexualization has negative effects in a variety of domains, including cognitive functioning, physical and mental health, and healthy sexual development.”

The report says that parents can play a role in contributing to the sexualization of their daughters or can play a protective and educative role.

I Really Don't Understand This


How much of a sociopath do you have to be to beat a homeless person to death? I mean, these people are already down on their luck.

Is this a natural outcome of our current "some people are more worthy that others" culture? Are we deciding that homeless people aren't worth anything?

Life unworthy of life, as the Nazis used to say?

Update on Lent: It Still Starts Tomorrow!

Sinners, start your penances!

OK. That's probably the only NASCAR-ish joke you'll ever see on this blog.

So I mentioned to the maternal unit that I was giving up sarcasm for Lent this year, and she FREAKED. "It's the only thing I like about you!" she wailed. (Well, not really, but pretty close. It was one of her favorite things about me, was what she actually said.) She plead her case - she's moving out of town at the end of March, and "needs" my sense of humor for these next weeks.

Darn it, I thought. She ruins everything! I come up with the PERFECT penance for me (well, OK, it was actually The Clam's idea - she says I bogarted it from her) and Mom says I can't do it. This is JUST LIKE when she said I couldn't be a Catholic when I was 5. HAH! I'll show her!

Ahem. So anyway. I emailed my own, personal canon lawyer with the conundrum (does that pesky commandment about honoring parents outweigh the fact that this is such a great penance for me?) and he replied. Here's his response:

"How about this – as a suggestion – you allow yourself free license with your sarcastic wit when you’re around your mother, but try and keep track and, at the end of the day, say one Hail Mary for each sarcastic comment you’ve made. I’m borrowing that suggestion from an old monastic practice - if meat was forbidden but a guest came and desired meat for dinner, he would be served meat, and, to make him more comfortable, the rest of the community would eat meat as well. Then, when the guest left, the community would do penance for eating meat, even though it was done with the right intentions."

Sounds like a plan, Stan!

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Gospel According to St. Al

This article really bugged me:


Michiganders preach Al Gore's global warming gospel

Gore has personally trained 1,000 disciples.

Part cheerleaders, part angels of gloom, they are fanning across the country with copies of his climate change slide show

Now, I am not a scientist. I really don't know what to make of the whole global warming issue. But I do know this: Al Gore isn't Jesus.

Whatever happened to reporters who could write without hyperbole? Between Mother Nature assassinating us with every storm and St. Al preaching the Sermon on the Mount, the entire concept of print journalism is really starting to cheese me off.

Except for The Economist, of course!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Remember, Man, That Thou Art Dust

It's hard to believe that next Wednesday is already Ash Wednesday! It always seems to get the jump on me. These are the days when all Catholics, good, bad and indifferent, ponder one important question:

What am I going to give up for Lent this year?

Now, you must understand that I was not raised Catholic. If you've been reading The Clam's blog, you see she is currently sweating over who in the family to "come out to" as a Catholic. So most of my Lenten knowledge comes from the neighbor kids, who were not only Catholic, but they also went to Catholic school, wearing actual uniforms and everything, which meant they knew about everything Catholic, right? Therefore, I learned that you must give up something you love for Lent, but you get Sundays off. When you are a kid, that means one thing: give up candy, except on Sundays when you can gorge yourself.

Unfortunately, when I went through RCIA, the priest was more than a little reluctant to talk about uncool things like penance, fasting, sin...you know, all the downers that make the Catholic Church seem to be too demanding of us. Not that that excuses me from not knowing it now, so I am attempting to make up for the deficit now.

Whassup? well...


Sr. Mary Martha (one of the best blogs on the entire internet) has posted about giving things up for Lent. As usual, she is fearless. She's not afraid to call sin sin, but she's always funny about it. In this case she speaks directly to what tends to be a problem for would-be pentitents at Lent: the side benefit. You know..."I can give up candy for Lent, and as a side benefit, I'll probably drop about 5 lbs!" WRONG!!!!! It is NOT pentitence if there's a side benefit, according to Sr. MM. (I am inclined to believe her, especially since I kind of went through this discussion in my head about going on a verrrry strict diet over Lent. My original feeling was that I would be more disciplined to stick to it if the threat of extra years in Purgatory was hanging over my head. Then I thought, "Wait. Would I be doing this for ME or for HIM?")

So The Clam and I have had a discussion about what we can give up that will not give us a side benefit. She came up with a terrific idea, and I am going to use it as well: I am giving up sarcasm for Lent. Now, if you know me at all, you know how difficult that will be for me. My blog may well be really boring for the next several weeks. One of the things I hear as a compliment the most often is how funny I am. I don't have that reputation because I know so many knock-knock jokes. This promises to be difficult for me, since so much of how I see myself is based on my ability to make people laugh.

Of course I will do the requisite fasting as well, but this won't be focused on giving up any particular food.

This promises to be much tougher.

So what about you? What are you giving up for Lent? Also, do you have a book of Lenten reflections? Which one are you using?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on any or all of this!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Who Is This "Wavy Gravy"?

Just in case you are unclear on who Wavy Gravy is (i.e. you are under 40 and/or you never went through a hippie phase in your teens or early twenties), here's some info:



Hmmm. Why are hotlinks no longer working? Stupid Google "you must upgrade your blogger" people. I hate change! (whiny voice) CLAM, YOU MUST HELP ME! YOU MUST STAY HOME FROM STUPID STINKY CANADA THIS WEEKEND TO HELP ME FIX WHATEVER I HAVE DONE TO THIS BLOG (AND HELP ME POST PICS OF THE WITTLE BABIES)!!! Ok, you can still go to Canada. But it's really cold up there and they are completely buried in snow.

Anyway, back to Wavy Gravy. Here's a couple of quotes from the wiki: "Wavy Gravy is a life-long activist for peace and personal empowerment, best known for his hippie appearance, personality, and beliefs." And "Wavy Gravy's clown personna grew out of his political activism. Constantly being arrested at demonstrations, he decided he would be less likely to be busted if he dressed as a clown. "Clowns are safe," as he put it." (Yeah, unless the clown turns out to be John Wayne Gacy, you stoner!)

How did I, who has neither attained the age of 40 nor experienced any latent hippie tendencies, learn of this man called Gravy?

Same way I learn almost everything - from cartoons! The Simpsons, to be exact! There's a flashback episode where we learn that my fave character, Mr. Burns, went undercover in the 60s to sink a Greenpeace boat. When he succeeds, he says: It was I, you fools! The man you trusted wasn't Wavy Gravy at all! [tosses a guitar away] And all this time, I've been smoking harmless tobacco. (I could be wrong, but I think that's the episode where Rodney Dangerfield played his long-lost son.)

So of course I had to discover what THAT was all about.

Sweet! And I Really Mean That...

Check it out! Ben & Jerry's is naming an ice cream after the King of Truthiness, our next president, Stephen Colbert!!!


It is called Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream, subtitled "The Sweet Taste of Liberty in Your Mouth." It is vanilla (naturally!) with fudge-covered waffle cone pieces and caramel. Sounds like it's right up my alley! Diet? What diet?

Here's an excerpt from the article, in case the link drops:

The Vermont-based ice-cream maker is known for naming its flavors after people such as Jerry Garcia, Wavy Gravy and the band Phish — which Colbert sees as a political bias.

"I'm not afraid to say it. Dessert has a well-known liberal agenda," Colbert said in a statement. "What I hope to do with this ice cream is bring some balance back to the freezer case."

BTW, I just want you to know that I emailed this article to The Clam, after which I got a phone call from her telling me I'd been "scooped" (isn't she funny?) by regular reader DJ, who sent the article to her, suggesting she send it to me.

Great minds think alike, DJ!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This one's a thinker

Not a Socrates thinker...a pop culture thinker. One of the websites I check periodically is called "Overheard at Western." Important point of fact: as I have pointed out previously on this blog, to our north is a large land mass which is called "Canada." (Well, in Detroit Canada is south of us, but that's a whole 'nother post.) "Canada" is commonly known by many Americans as "the 51st state" (what that does to Puerto Rico's feelings I don't know, but there it is).

However, those many Americans are wrong. "Canada" is an independent country (well, the Queen of England is on their money, so that's a somewhat debatable point, but they are independent of us). As an independent country, they have set up their own educational system, where they teach people to spell all words with random "U"s. Also, their mascot is a fighting maple leaf.

One of the best universities is Canada is the University of Western Ontario. It is considered to be in Canada's Ivy League. Well, there are those at Western who are challenging that reputation. Thus, "Overheard at Western" is a compilation of remarks which do not distinguish the speakers as Einstein's grandchildren. (Much like when Letterman and Leno talk to the man on the street.)

I checked the website on lunch today (it was a busy lunch!) and found this gem:

Coming soon to a theatre near you: Betty Rizzo Does Ivey.
Guy: So, what's your business plan?
Girl: Pink. We're all girls, and we all wear pink.

Now, the reason I chose this particular excerpt is not because what was overheard was so darn funny, but because whoever posted it made a really first class pop culture reference. I am something of a pop culture rainman (as in, once I hear it, it's in there forever, whether I want it to be or not, Chachi!) and it still took me a minute.

Anybody get it? Anyone?


OK, so the 1960s are known for many things, but one of the reasons I like the 60s is: Spies! The 60s gave birth to the whole love affair with spies. I mean, James Bond is the most obvious example of this phenom, but there was also James Coburn's Derek Flint (In Like Flint and Our Man Flint), plus the TV show I Spy (featuring young and handsome Bill Cosby and Robert Culp - lately seen as Debra's dad on Everybody Loves Raymond, but forever beloved by me as the FBI agent in Greatest American Hero, a show before its time). And then there was the cat so cool that my granddad named the family cat after him - Napoleon Solo in The Man from UNCLE.

Of course all this spy stuff gave birth to rollicking send-ups almost immediately. The one that leaps to mind is the TV show Get Smart, which I discovered during the summer months as a child in the 70s, when there was no cable and that was how they filled the long hours during the day - no Jerry Springer back then either. But there was also a very funny send-up of James Bond, called Casino Royale, which I believe was actually co-written by Ian Fleming, which starred Peter Sellers (always a man before his time as well) as James Bond.

So you see, boys and girls, as funny as Austin Powers was, Mike Myers wasn't the first to come up with the concept. However, there are SO MANY tie-ins to original 60s spy stuff that most of the jokes have further meaning if you are conversant in the originals. I am pretty conversant, but I was amazed to discover the source for Felicity Shagwell (from the second AP movie). Are you ready for this?

DEAN MARTIN STARRED IN FOUR SPY MOVIES IN THE 60S. Yes, you heard that right - my favorite alcoholic celebrity of all time (and a very handsome and talented one to boot) starred in Four Groovy Spy Thrillers in the Swinging Sixties!

Not only that, his co-stars (for you fellas out there) included Tina Louise (Ginger from Gilligan's Island), Ann-Margret, Elke Sommer and Sharon Tate (yes, that one). In fact, Sharon Tate's character in the fourth "Matt Helm" movie was the basis for Felicity Shagwell. Betcha didn't know that!

It appears there were 4 Matt Helm movies: The Silencers (1966), Murderer's Row (1966), The Ambushers (1967) and The Wrecking Crew (1969). The bad news is: according to Netflix, the only one currently available on DVD is The Silencers.

But, oh baby, is it EVER on my Netflix list! Ring-a-Ding-Ding!!!

Nooooooo! Say it ain't so, Frank and Joe!

Cruise, Stiller to star in Hardy Boys movie
"Tom Cruise and Ben Stiller will play the leads in 20th Century Fox's The Hardy Men, an action-comedy based on the Hardy Boys mystery novels. Shawn Levy will direct. The movie is about the Hardy Boys, after they've grown up and gone on to live separate lives, coming together one last time to solve a case. Stiller will produce with his Red Hour partner Stuart Cornfeld, along with Robert Kosberg, who owned the original Hardy Boys rights and first brought the project to Red Hour eight years ago. Production is scheduled to start some time next year. Stiller and Cruise are also discussing a potential team-up for Tropic Thunder, the movie Stiller is directing for DreamWorks. That movie is being distributed by Paramount, the studio that publicly cut ties with Cruise last year." (Variety)

Well, crud. There's another good childhood memory down the tubes. Next, Jessica Simpson will play Nancy Drew.

Have I ever mentioned that when the TV series was on in the 70s (with Parker Stevenson as Frank Hardy and Sean Cassidy as Joe Hardy) I decided that Frank was the guy for me?!?!

I had read some of the books, but it was the TV show that made me realize that Frank was my dream man - he had a J-O-B, plus (and this was something that I hadn't clued into reading the books for some reason) Joe would always get into trouble and need to get rescued by Frank. So honestly, who would you rather be with - the guy that you end up locked in the dungeon with, or the guy that gets you OUT of the dungeon?

To me that's a no-brainer.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Are You a Genius?

So one of the blogs I lurk on (and occasionally post on) is Captain Capitalism, who appears to be an economist from the great state of Minnehaha. Uh, I mean Minnesota. (Part of the reason why I don't list the "cool blogs you should check out" is because mine make me appear to be very Sybill-like. There's the Cap'n, a couple of blogs for fans of Coronation Street, various Catholic blogs, Mike Straka's Grrr! column, blogs o' me mates, and many others. I'm just crazy like that! The other reason is because I don't know how.)

Anyway, today's entry was quite amusing, and I found it to be an excellent quiz, so I'm borrowing it. (I hope he doesn't mind too much!) Here's the link:


His basic premise is that we tend to pay attention to the wrong things in this country, and he uses the Grammies as an example of that. Now, I have 'fessed up to watching the first 5 minutes (see previous post about Sting's dreaminess). However, I don't watch the Grammies, Emmies, Oscars, or any of the others.

But he has composed a "negative knowledge" IQ test - in other words, you are smart based on the stuff you DON'T know, as much as the stuff you DO know. (DJ, you are SOOOOO going to ace this test!)

So, without further ado, here's the quiz, with my answers. But do check his original post out, because (1) it's funny, (2) he seems to not suffer fools gladly either, and (3) it's just polite, since the quiz is his baby, and not mine!

Questionnaire 1 -

1. What are the Grammys for?
Philosophically speaking, they are yet another chance for celebrities to pat themselves on the back and gush over how much better they are than the schlumphs who buy their records/go to their movies/watch their TV shows.

2. Name one person on the current episode of Lost.
Never saw it.

3. Where is the welfare office in your county?
They're separated by county? Good to know. I'm going to make an edjumacated guess and say "in Detroit" in Wayne County. And probably "in Pontiac" in Oakland County.

4. T/F Dawsons Creek was about a guy named Dawson and the creek he owned.
Never saw it.

5. Name one contestant on Teen Idol.
There's a show called Teen Idol?

6. Sing the lyrics to a modern day song played on the teeny bopper girly station.
I'm guessing the words "Oooh Baby" are in there somewhere.

7. If you wanted to get meth, where would you go to get it?
From a meth dealer, of course! Once again, the correct answer appears to be "in Detroit".

8. Name any member of any present day boy band.

9. What is the rough price of a shirt at the GAP and/or Ambercrombie and Fitch?
No clue.

10. If you went to college, where was the sociology department headquartered?
Next to the women's studies building?

Questionnaire 2 -

1. What war was Pearl Harbor in?
Well, actually, Pearl Harbor wasn't IN the war - Japan attacked the United States, causing the US to ENTER WW2. But since we weren't at war at the time, I don't think you can actually ask the question that way. Of course, we were at war within a day or two.

Bonus point: my great uncle was there.

2. Name a president from the 80's.
Ronald Reagan/George HW Bush.

Bonus point: the PM of GB was Margaret Thatcher.

3. Point north.
I will have you know that I DO know direction. My dad insisted, and I couldn't get a license until I could give him directions without saying "Left" or "Right".

Let me just tell you guys that, when I meet a man who can't figure out direction, it really lowers him in my estimation.

Take the quiz and enjoy! Post the results in the comments section, and feel free to post on the Cap'n's blog to let him know you enjoyed the quiz!

Last Night's 24 (Spoiler Warning!)

Wow. I cannot believe I am now a person who discusses 24 on her blog. But the only person I know who watches it regularly is The Canuck, and calling him in Canada gets really expensive.

Although I called him in Canada Sunday night because (embarrassing self-revelation) I watched the first 5 minutes of (gasp!) The Grammies on Sunday, because I wanted to see The Police perform. (Don't worry - I turned it off right after that!) Now, I know what you are thinking. When I was in Junior High and High School, The Police were really cool. All the guys I knew loved The Police (in a totally hetero way, of course). I wasn't too into them - the same guys who loved them also loved Rush and D&D. You know, white nerdy boys. (The guys that rule the planet today.) I just thought Sting was h-o-t. And then there were the rumors about...tantric...hmmm.

Looking back, I appreciate them more now than I did then. Their music is very intelligent for Rock and/or Roll. Well, I wanted to see if they still had their musical chops. I thought they did a great job (and Sting is still looking most excellent, although I hear the tantric thing was just a rumor). But at the very end of the performance, I thought I saw evidence of lip-synching. Just for a second. So I called The Canuck, who I knew was going to be watching "Just The Police" too.

"Were they lip-synching?" queried I. "How should I know?" replied The (legally blind) Canuck. Oops! What a maroon! (Me, not him.)

Anyhoo, when I saw him this weekend, I was bursting to talk 24, and he very rudely hadn't see the last episode, so I couldn't talk about Morris being abducted or James Cromwell killing Graem Bauer. It was killing me!

So I tuned into the double episode last night, thinking to myself that whoever they hired to do the previews wasn't very good at his job, because "they gave away everything" before I even turned on the show. (You know how sometimes you see a preview for a movie and you think, "Wow. Thanks. Now I don't have to see the movie!" That's what it felt like!)

I couldn't have been more wrong. They killed off both Darren McCarthy (is the name a tribute to Darren McCarty, the former Red Wing? I hear Kiefer's a fan...) and his arm candy (who apparently didn't have a name). James Cromwell has shown his evil side to Graem's widow, and Chad Lowe is plotting to assassinate the President. (And the evil lackey from Ghostbusters 2 is OK with that. Maybe Prince Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, can be elected?)

My thoughts are as follows:

1. If they assassinate Junior Palmer, can they take out his sister too? Please?
2. I wish they hadn't shown James Cromwell's evil guy hand just yet. I was really enjoying his sociopathy.
3. I still don't like cross-eyed chick (The Canuck informs me that her actual name is Potato Face) but I was glad she had the chutzpah to tell Morris to quit feeling sorry for himself.
4. Why didn't Marilyn trust Jack? Why does NO ONE trust Jack until it's too late???

Tune in next week for our next exciting episode...

So she quit...

Amanda Marcotte, one of the two bloggers John Edwards hired that had all kinds of anti-Catholic (and anti-Christian) rhetoric on their blogs, has quit the Edwards campaign. (I posted on this situation a few days ago.)

In her statement, she said that the criticism "was creating a situation where I felt that every time I coughed, I was risking the Edwards campaign."

She also said, "No matter what you think about the campaign, I signed on to be a supporter and a tireless employee for them, and if I can't do the job I was hired to do because Bill Donohue doesn't have anything better to do with his time than harass me, then I won't do it."

Um, OK. First of all, she did a leeeeetle bit more than cough. She was loudly and virulently anti-Catholic. And secondly, actually, Bill Donohue DOESN'T have anything "better to do." THAT'S HIS JOB. You know, just like the NAACP, or the B'nai Brith. Donohue is PAID TO ENSURE that Catholics get the same respect as any other group.

If you don't see the problem with what she wrote, just try substituting "Black" or "Jew" in any of her blog entries. Where people are listed, put MLK's name. Oh. Now you get it.

I must admit, though that I thought The Anchoress had a really good take on this. Here's the link: http://theanchoressonline.com/2007/02/08/blogmistresses-not-fired-by-edwards-alrighty-then/

I'm particularly referring to the list...

I just think it's really sad that we live in a country where we can:
1. hang a "dream catcher"
2. do zen meditation
3. become a wiccan
but Christians are somehow mentally deficient morons. If you want to be a wiccan, fine. But have the same respect for my beliefs that you expect for yours.

Or, as Jesus said, "Do unto others, as you would have other do unto you."

Or even, as Mom would say, "If you can't say something nice..."

Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole, Marilyn and Me

This post is going to be a little soul-revealing, so if you get embarrassed by that kind of stuff, you may want to skip it. It's certainly not going to be one of my oh-so-witty send-ups. Also, since I am talking about personal stuff, I would ask that any comments you make be delivered gently, and with respect.

So you've probably heard that Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday. It seems that everyone has an opinion of her, and they are all over the internet. Well, here's my opinion, for what it's worth.

I felt sorry for her. I know, I know. You're thinking: she was gorgeous, rich and famous. I skimmed a tribute page, and one woman talked about how: She had it together, and she didn’t care what anyone thought. That’s so not true. People who have it together don’t abuse drugs or alcohol. And everyone cares what people think. To not care what people think is the definition of a sociopath. Of course she cared. It was clear to me that she was in pain.

To me she seemed like such a pathetic figure. I know she clearly styled herself after Marilyn Monroe, and that fits, because Marilyn was also tragic, needy and desperate for attention. I'm very familiar with Marilyn, because, you see, I used to emulate her too. Everyone who knows me personally (instead of electronically) knows that I am a huge old movie buff. I discovered old movies when I was around 12 or 13. Don't ask me why, but out of all the old time movie queens I could have chosen, I decided Marilyn was the bees’ knees. Actually, I know why. Because just the word "Marilyn" is enough to make men drool. (Well, some men.) She (on the surface anyway) seems to be what men want: blonde, buxom, beautiful, sexy, compliant and not too bright. You know, like a walking, talking Barbie Doll. The reality is, of course, very different, on a number of levels. I now am older and wiser and realize that not all men like the Marilyns of this world. But, you know, when you are 16, the world seems very black and white.

But there's another layer to the reality beneath the myth: Marilyn was sad. By that I mean she was depressed, yes, but I also mean she was clingy, needy and terrified of being left. She was an emotional black hole. Arthur Miller (her third husband) once commented that there was not enough love in the universe to satisfy her. That kind of person (male or female) is impossible to live with in the long run.

But as a teen, I fell for the fantasy. Why? Well, it was a combination of things. The Ugly Duckling Syndrome was part of it. (I was a very homely child.) All of a sudden, as a teenager, I wasn't so homely anymore. Men stared at me. I got hit on a lot. All the things that had been drawbacks when I was a child were assets: my height, my bone structure, my coloring, my cheekbones. And there is definite power in female sexuality. Add to that a less-than-stellar childhood and you have an emotional basket-case in a pretty package. Looking back on those years now, I find myself more embarrassed by them than my whole homely childhood.

I was fortunate. I never ended up a stripper, a centerfold, a hooker, a drug addict or even a slut. I did end up making some choices involving men that have done me lasting damage. I don't look at men the same way I used to. In some ways that is a good thing: men don't have the power over me that they used to, and I'm certainly not interested in the kind of validation that a man ogling me used to give me. But the negative side of not looking at men the same way is that I don't trust easily.

I have known intuitively for years that I want to be seen as a person with dignity and worth. I want a man to fall in love with me, not my body. I knew that when I was 16. But I didn't make a connection between the way I dressed and the kind of men I attracted. It's all about market analysis, you know. Men who are only looking for a little fun will be interested in the pretty, shiny packaging. They may or may not ever care about what's underneath. To that extent, perhaps like attracts like. Perhaps they really are that shallow themselves.

But I don't want shallow. I want depth. I want a man to fall in love with my soul, the essence of who I am. And it's much easier to see someone's soul when they dress modestly. It's very hard to vocalize why. There are religious aspects, sure, but I don't want this to be about religion. Because I wish all women, whether they have a religion or not, could understand the power of dressing modestly. And I do mean power. I choose who sees this or that part of me, I choose how much I want to reveal to the general public. I say to the world at large: if you want to get to know me, you have to look deeper, you have to scratch the surface, but it’s worth it. I’m worth it. I know I have more to offer a man than my body and my face. After all, time does march on, and everyone either ages or ends up looking like Joan Rivers. I have intelligence, kindness, humor, warmth, compassion, joy, loyalty…and dignity. It took me a long time to decide that I was selling myself short by selling myself. There’s a popular idea that women who dress modestly are repressed, or oppressed, or both. People who say that have no idea what they are talking about. You want to talk about being oppressed? You have your wardrobe dictated to you by a bunch of fashion designers. Where’s the power in following the crowd like a sheep? I derive so much strength from the way I dress, and it’s clear to people who know me. I’m much more self-assured, much more able to speak my mind, much more relaxed in my own skin than I ever used to be. It’s an incredible feeling.

I just wish I could have told Anna Nicole. She deserved better. She was worth more than that. We all are.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Faith Based Humor

It's pretty clear from reading this blog that I am a Simpsons fan. So, in order to calm myself down, I thought I'd post some of the religious humor from that show:

Ned: Homer, God didn't set your house on fire.
Rev. Lovejoy: No, but He was working in the hearts of your friends and neighbors when they came to your aid, be they Christian (Ned), Jew (Krusty), or ... miscellaneous (Apu).
Apu: Hindu! There are 700 million of us.
Rev. Lovejoy: Aw, that's super.

Homer: No offense Apu, but when they were handing out religions you must have been out taking a whiz.
Apu: Mr. Simpson, please pay for your services and get out and come again!

Apu: Please do not offer my god a peanut.

Apu: By the 7 arms of Vishnu, I swear it. I am not a Hindu.

Carl: This candy is subpar. Any religion that embraces carob is not for Carl Carlson.

Lisa: I'm no theologian. I don't know who or what God is. All I know is he's more powerful than Mom and Dad put together.

Marge : Aren't you going to perform the last rites?
Rev. Lovejoy : That's Catholic, Marge. You might as well ask me to perform a voodoo dance.

Lisa: Everyone should be able to choose their faith, just like I chose Buddhism.
Father Sean: Buddhism? (laughs) Well, I guess lots of kids have imaginary friends.

Homer: [childproofing Apu's apartment] Avoid overly pointy deities. You should get yourself a nice, round Buddha.
Apu: Sir, I am a Hindu!
Homer: Well, so am I, but I don't get all huffy about it!

OK. I'm in a happy place now...

John Edwards and Catholics

Well, OK. I wasn't going to get into this, but...

Apparently John Edwards (the cream cheese presidential candidate, not the "sinners in the hands of an angry God" guy) has hired two bloggers to help reach out to his constitunecy in preparation for the elections. (Aside: I cannot tell you how much I am dreading the next year and a half - we are already hearing about this stuff ad nauseum, and it's only Feb '07.)

Apparently these two gals are a little anti-Catholic. I wasn't going to get bunged up over this. After all, this is America - free speech and all that good stuff. Plus, you know, the Catholic League is all over this like white on rice.

Then I read this on one of the blogs:

Q: What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit?
A: You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.

Ok. WOW. That is so beyond insulting it's unbelievable. The Holy Spirit is God, people! Let me say that again for all those (like me) post-60s Gen X types who may be a little unclear on the concept: THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD. Comparing the Holy Spirit to semen is disgusting. It is more than disgusting. It is blasphemy. This particular insult has nothing to do with being anti-Catholic. This is (or should be) equally insulting to all Christians (except unitarians, and I mean theological unitarians, not the actual group).

This is HUGE. Crucifix in a bottle of pee offensive.

And John Edwards, who claims to be a Christian, doesn't see the problem.

I mean, it's clear from other things on these blogs that both these women have serious issues with Catholicism, but just re-read the "Q" section above - that's equal opportunity offensive to all Christians.

If she doesn't like my Church, fine. She doesn't have to join it. I don't even have a problem with a little humor (see previous "Stephen Colbert is awesome" posts). But to refer to GOD as semen is beyond the pale. I cannot even come up with an example that would be THIS OFFENSIVE for another group.

You know, without sounding all "why can't we all just get along?" about this, I would NEVER be this rude about anyone's faith in anything. I don't agree with Jews about the Messiah, but I respect their faith. I also respect the faith of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims etc. (as long as they aren't trying to kill me, as Buddhists are wont to do). I respect the concept of faith, or even a moral or ethical code like Confucianism. Sure, I hope that they all change their minds, but after all, whatever religion you belong to, you clearly think it's the best, or you wouldn't belong to it, right? I'm just the same. I believe Catholicism is the best.

Whatever happened to "I may disagree with what you believe, but I will fight to the death for your right to believe it"? Whatever happened to basic courtesy and respect?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sigh. Doesn't it just figure?

So I am informed by a well-respected source that Rick Mercer (ahem) bats for the other team.

That's OK. He's still handsome, witty and articulate. And I'll still watch his show. I just won't expect him to show up and whisk me away to glamorous Toronto, the capitol of Canada, with its ice-sculpture parliament building and eskimo guards.

You know, I'm just saying - there ought to be a law. Gay men should all have to talk like Paul Lynde, so we don't pine after the wrong guys. And if you don't know who Paul Lynde is, shame on you! OK, OK. Here's his wiki:


He's one of those old-time Hollywood types that everyone recognizes, even if you don't know his name...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I have a cunning plan...

So, regular readers of this blog will note that I am a huge Rowan Atkinson fan. I adore the Mr. Bean series, and I really got a kick out of Johnny English (even though I, as an American, was completely unfamiliar with the Barclaycard commercials which created this hapless non-Bond).

However, I might possibily have to say that Blackadder even beats out Mr. Bean in my list of favorite Rowan Atkinson roles. I saw Blackadders 1-4 years ago, and recently re-watched them (thanks to Netflix - hurray!). At some point, I realized that I hadn't seen either the Blackadder version of A Christmas Carol or Blackadder Back and Forth. Well, thought I, this must be rectified!

So I had Blackadder Back and Forth over the weekend. It was very funny - it deals with him (well, Baldrick actually) creating a working time machine and then traveling back and forth through time (hence the clever title). I won't go into too many details - it's only 1/2 hour, so if you're a fan, even YOU have time to watch it, DJ!

But there was one scene which was a 'milk out of the nose' kind of scene. He is in Elizabethan England, and he bumps into William Shakespeare. He gets Will's autograph, and then proceeds to beat him up. The first punch is "for every school boy and girl for the next 400 years" and he follows it up with a couple of additional zingers. But the truly zen moment came with this comment: Blackadder kicks him and says it's for "Ken Branagh's endless, uncut, four-hour version of Hamlet." When Shakespeare asks "Who's Ken Branagh?" Blackadder replies "I'm going to tell him you said that. And I think he'll be very hurt."

I laughed so hard I cried!

Two Sisters to the Rescue!

So if you read the baby seester's blog (The Clam Rampant), you have probably heard the tale of Mike, the stray we found on Sunday. Temps here in Detroit on Sunday hovered right around zero (without factoring in the wind chill). I picked her up because her car was acting up and we headed into The City to (a) return a liberry book and (b) cross the border into Canada to pick up The Canuck.

So, sitting in the middle of an intersection is this cute dog. Freezing his tail off. Waiting to get hit. Well, The Clam and I looked at each other and sprang into action. We come from a family of animal rescuers and get all weepy when animals suffer. She gets out of the car and tries to lure the dog into the back seat. The dog clearly loves her, and lets her pet him and snuggles up to her, but won't get into the car. This goes on for 1/2 hour. In the freezing cold. At one point, the dog starts running away, and she gives up and gets into the car. I prepare to drive away, saying, "Well, we can't do this all day - if he won't get in the car, he won't." She starts to cry. I say, "OK, we'll go catch up with him." (I should mention that this is in a particularly icky part of The City, and The Canuck is sitting at the Windsor train station, wondering what the heck is going on.)

We end up getting helped by two local men (that's a clever euphemism), one of whom I wasn't worried about, but the other one of whom was pretty scary. We get the dog into the car, and I look at The Clam and say, "OK Genius. Now what?" We cannot take the dog across the border (if we could prove he had all his shots and he had tags and stuff, sure. But if he had all that, he wouldn't have needed us, would he?) and poor Canuck must think we've fallen off the bridge into the Detroit River. We cannot stick the dog in either of our homes (cats, you know, plus no back yards, and it would add an hour to our delay). We call The Aunt (an inveterate rescuer - both her current pets are rescues) and ask if she would like a friendly dog. She demurs. We try to call Mom, who doesn't answer the phone because she is at a play. We debate taking the dog and putting him in Mom's basement, and decide that she might not like that surprise. We decide that the only thing we can do is take him to The Humane Society. It's not a perfect solution, but it's better than him freezing to death outside (which he would have - temps that night dropped to 11 below, plus the wind chill). And hopefully they can find him a home.

Long story short, he is at the Humane Society, we are looking for a home for him, and Mom is working to get him sprung so that he can get put into a no-kill shelter until they find him a loving home.

The Clam felt really REALLY guilty about taking him to the Humane Society. So did I, truthfully, but I told her repeatedly that:
1. He would have frozen to death if we did nothing
2. Even if he gets euthanized, it's better to die warm and fed than cold and hungry (as Mother Teresa has proved over and over with people)
3. It was Super Bowl Sunday at 4 pm, and it wasn't like we had a lot of choices
4. No one in our family could take in a dog right now, even though Clam and I both wish we could
5. We did the best we could with bad conditions
6. He's very adoptable, so assuming he's in good health, his chances are very good

So she kind of calmed down. Then she got an email from one of the chicks at the no-kill shelter, who basically read her the riot act for taking him to the Humane Society. I mean, honestly, what were we supposed to do? It was Sunday afternoon, for Pete's sake! The Clam didn't tell me herself, I heard this from Mom. Mom also said that The Clam responded to her email in a very articulate and pleasant manner, which sounds about right. She's the Baby Seester, but she tends to be more mature about this stuff than I do. I just saw red. My reaction to Mom was, "OK. Animal Rescue Chick thinks we handled it incorrectly. I want her cell phone number, which I will plug into my phone, and any time, day or night, when I find a stray animal, I will call her personally, and tell her she needs to drop everything to come and get said animal."

Wonder how dedicated she would be then?

You know, The Clam felt bad enough about this without this chick rubbing salt in the wound.


Baby, It's Cold Outside

So, cold enough for you?! hahaha. If I hear that one more time, I will not be responsible for my actions.

As you may be aware, it's just a wee mite chilly these days. It's actually much colder than normal, and not just here in Detroit. The response locally has been to send reporters outside in the cold to report on how cold it is (and then to report that one of their reporters got frostbite being outside in the cold, and no, I'm not making that up). The other response is that most local schools have shut down. They were closed yesterday and today. Those of us in the real world have gone to work, and in my case, worked in a building that was around 55F yesterday.

Well, one local school system decided to keep their schools open, and today, the students protested that they were being forced to be in school and, you know, learning and crap while every one else was at home lazing around and watching the boob tube. What the article says is that they gathered "in the commons area" and I'm not sure what that means, except I'm hoping it wasn't outside.


I know I sound like an old fogey here, but I can remember school shutting down only a few times in my entire K-12 existence, and most of it was during an ice storm when there was no power and no heat. I especially remember a bad storm when I was in HS and the radio announcer basically said that the only school that was open in my county was my HS. Yes, to my 15 year old mind that was tremendously unfair, but it would never have occurred to me to do anything else but go to school and shut up about it. How is it that in 1 generation we have gotten to the point where students think they are entitled to cut class to protest being forced to attend school?

And, if the "commons area" is outside, then all I can say is, "Logic needs to be a mandatory subject in HS."