A New Meme that’s out there – I don’t wait to get tagged – I do the tagging!
Now you can all see why I’m such a bad Catholic, and why I consider myself in good company with Francisco Marto. Go ahead. Judge me. I deserve it. (Wow – you’d never know I wasn’t a cradle Catholic, would you? I’ve got the guilt thing NAILED. I hope there’s extra credit for that on Judgment Day!)
1. Favorite devotion or prayer to Jesus. The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Faster than saying a Rosary, too!
2. Favorite Marian devotion or prayer. Well, I have a couple: The Hail Mary is a classic which cannot be understated, but I also love the Memorare. I also love the Rosary (except that my ADD comes out to play during the Rosary. I’m fine for the first couple of mysteries, and then things go awry.)
3. Do you wear a scapular or medal? Oh boy. Not at the moment. I usually always wear a 5-way medal, but … well, it’s a looong story. Suffice it to say that I own two 5-way medals, neither of which I can wear at the moment. I also have a St. Philomena cord to wear around my waist, and a “brown scapular” (OL of Mt. Carmel). I stopped wearing them when it got really hot last summer. I should start wearing them again. (I know, I know, if I think it’s hot HERE, just wait until I burn in Hell for not wearing that brown scapular.)
4. Do you have holy water in your home? No. It never occurred to me to keep it in a bottle. I was picturing the cats deciding that the Holy Water tasted better than their water, and conspiring to get it out of the font By Any Means Necessary (which would by definition be destructive). Sometimes I’m not very smart. I’ll have to get a holy water bottle the next time I’m in the Catholic Supply Store, and get some. On a related note, I have Holy Oil from St. Philomena. So THERE!
5. Do you "offer up" your sufferings? Yes, when I think of it before I open my mouth to start grumbling.
6. Do you observe First Fridays and First Saturdays? Ahem. Well, yes and no. Have I observed them? Yes. Have I observed them the requisite number of times for it to count towards my eternal salvation? No. Which is not to say that going has been wasted, but still. (Clam, I know you’re going to ask, so the answer is 9 in a row for Fridays, 5 in a row for Saturdays.)
7. Do you go to Eucharistic Adoration? How Frequently? Yes, but not regularly. See above comment about ADD. (Which I don’t actually have, but you’d never know it sitting next to me in the chapel.)
8. Are you a Saturday evening Mass person or a Sunday morning Mass person? It kind of depends. I like to go Saturday afternoon when I can, because then it’s done, and no matter how tired I am or how badly I feel on Sunday morning, I know I’ve done it. On the other hand, I ALWAYS feel like a slacker not going Sunday morning, even when I already went on Saturday.
9. Do you say prayers at mealtime? Usually.
10. Favorite saints: Well, of course the BVM and Joseph. But also I really dig the Desert Fathers (any hermit monk is pretty cool) and St. Mary of Egypt, the penitent. I’m also quite keen on the Virgin Martyrs (see earlier post about St. Cecilia, but also Agnes, Agatha, etc. A woman who can buck the trends of popular culture about sex is a strong woman indeed!) I’m also very into Faustina Kowalska, and am developing quite a fondness for Edith Stein, thanks to The Clam. Plus Francis and Clare, and Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, and Therese of Lisieux (I have a split personality – I cannot decide between Secular Franciscans and Secular Discalced Carmelites). Also the visionaries: Bernadette, Catherine Laboure, etc. Which would bring me to not-yet certified saints Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta (from Fatima). Other saints-in-waiting I’m quite fond of are Mother Teresa, Solanus Casey and Fulton Sheen.
And how can I forget St. Philomena, the Wonder Worker? There are others. I will feel bad about this later, because I will realize I’ve forgotten some favorites!
11. Can you recite the Apostles' Creed by heart? Yes. And the Nicene Creed. Buuuuuttt… I always blurp a little, because I tend to mentally switch back and forth… so I forget to say Jesus descended to Hell before “and on the third day He rose again.” And it doesn’t matter that I know both. It happens EVERY time. There are a couple of places I ALWAYS screw up. And I’ve been reciting the Creed for 30 years – we recited it in the Episcopal Church, and my Grandma’s Congregational Church, and when I went to Mass as a child, and at the Lutheran Churches I have attended (always with an asterisk next to “Catholic”)
12. Do you usually say short prayers (aspirations) during the course of the day? Yes. Often very short aspirations, like God help me, or Lord help me. I think sometimes people think I’m being blasphemous, but I’m not. If I say it, I mean it.
13. Bonus Question: When you pass by an automobile accident or other serious mishap, do you say a quick prayer for the folks involved? Yes. I also thank God and my Guardian Angel for watching over me.
Added bonus question:
Have you named your Guardian Angel? And now, I tag: The Clam, The Canuck, Catholic Wife and Mother, DJ, and Tim F (if you’re out there!)